
Here you'll find photos and videos from past concerts and social events through the years, including those from the archives, although some are still being sorted before inclusion. While every care has been taken to match older photos to the correct album, please do send in any corrections. More photos can also be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

If you have any photos or videos from a past event that you'd like us to include, please send them to us and we'll include them here.


Watch the band play Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer! The band played carols in Watford town centre on the day Watford's Christmas lights were turned on in 2021. Video by Ian Stotesbury, taken from Facebook.

Watch a short clip of us from 2022 playing part of the piece 'Eye Level'; the theme from the TV show Van der Valk. Video by Micklefield Hall.

A short clip from one of our sessions at a local cubs group that we ended with the National Anthem.

Watch two of our solo cornet players playing the duet, Something Stupid, at Cassiobury Park bandstand in September 2022.

Registered charity number 1105301